One Piece Zine & Event Community
Hello! We are the One Piece Zine & Event Community aimed at making it easier to find One Piece-themed zines and events. In addition, the Community also hosts archival databases of past and current zines and events!
Looking to find more OP promo accounts? Check out the links below!
Discord Servers
There are currently two servers active that relate to One Piece Zines and Events! Please read below for details on them!
One Piece Zine & Event Community Discord
The One Piece Zine & Event Community Discord is open to everyone! We are primarily a place for mods and hosts to promote their projects and for folks to find zines and events! We have dedicated channels for zines and events, as well as SFW and NSFW.
One Piece Zine Mod Server
There is also a server set up for One Piece Zine Mods to join! This server provides resources such as a place to put your zines on the calendar and talk with others about the process!For a link, please check out this post on Twitter.
One Piece Event Hosts
While there is not a designated server setup for event hosts, the Community Server does have a private event host channel! If you are an event host who joins, please let us know when event(s) you are running and we will get you the role!(If there becomes enough interest down the line, one of the Community Server mods may consider hosting an OP Event Host server!)
Zine Databases & Cals
Some folks in the community (who also are server mods) have created calendars and databases to help folks keep track of zines! Check out what has been created below for ZINES.
If you are looking for a zine calendar, one of the Community's Mods Ham created and manages the One Piece Zine Calendar! You can check it out below!If you are the mod of a zine and either need to add or update your zine, please see the Mod Server on how to update your zine!
The Community also hosts some zine databases created and managed by one of our mods, Lor! You can find the different databases we have below!
ALL ZINE DATABASEThis database is an archive of all past and active zines! If you are curious about what zines have existed before and what are happening now, here's the place the look!(The database is a little big, so please give it a moment to load! Additionally, it's best viewed on desktop!)
DIGITAL ZINE DATABASEInterested in seeing what digital zines are out there to read? Look no further, here is our archive of digital zines!
DIGITAL MERCH ARCHIVE DATABASEThis is for seeing what zines have digital merch! It is sorted by merch type!
MERCH PROJECT DATABASEThis is a database for One Piece projects that are NOT zines and do not have an accompanying zine. This include tarot decks, calendars/planners, and merch projects!
Event Databases & Cals
The community server also hosts a series of event databases and a calendar, created and maintained by Mod Lor! Check them out below!
PROMPT EVENTS DATABASEThis database is for prompt events such as weeks, weekends, and month-long events like ship or character prompt lists!
NON-PROMPT EVENTSThis database is for events such as art collabs, bangs, exchanges, and other non-prompt list events!